Model Schools 2017 (2 of 3)- How my Career was Affirmed

I teach...because while I was growing up my family instilled upon me that education was the way to financial security and success. My greatest teachers were my grandparents and parents who taught me to work hard and play hard. I didn't have a teacher whose class I really loved learning from until high school, until high school! School was just school, and I liked it, but I didn't love it. I want my kids to love school.

I teach...because I want my students to love coming to school. I want them to know that I care because I really do! I care about their baseball games, soccer games, and dance recitals. Yes, I get a sense of pride when I hear them whisper, "My teacher's here." I want them to do well, I want to know about their lives outside of school. I want them to come and say hello when they see my family and I out in the neighborhood. Nowadays we call this creating culture, to me it's instilling humanity. Either way, it's important.
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I teach...because I want my students to have the facts, figures, strategies, and social skills that they need to be successful in life, or at least the next level of education. Except that in the last few years, I've to put social skills and strategies far above facts and figures.

I teach...because I love to learn and get better at things. I am certainly NOT the teacher I was 17 years ago. I am completely transformed. I am constantly able to hone my craft. There are not many jobs like teaching that allow you to do this so freely.

I teach...because kids are pretty cool!

I teach...because sometimes I'm that little red fish of a teacher and sometimes I'm one of the little blue fish, and I want my students to know that it's okay to be a little of both! But, being the red fish is usually more fun because the red fish is innovative.

So just imagine...being one in a school of mostly red fish. That was what it was like being at the Model Schools Conference! 5,000 plus teachers changing the direction of education for the better!


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