Summer School

The last several months have included planning, collaboration, reading, among other things like teaching, planning, and report cards. It sometimes feels like I have two jobs that I love, and a family at home too!  Summer is here, it's a random Wednesday night in June, and here I am...working! (To be fair, R is in bed, and Dave is delivering our oldest to the airport.)

Planning- What's going on?

Well, we've been planning for our prototype classrooms since early February. Curriculum design and implementation have been at the forefront of all of our discussions. After all, the physical design of the classroom should be based upon the methods of instruction.

Physically, there will be many flexible seating options. There are standing tables, seated tables, bench seating, a few wobbly stools, and more to come. These options will encourage students to work both collaboratively and independently. Construction is underway, and I am eager to pop in and have a peak. Hopefully, I can this week!

Collaborating- What's going on?

Last week my fellow grant winner, Stella, and I met with the EPCOT team. It's so nice to know that we're not going it alone, and that our district administration completely supports our "edventure".

Stella and I have been eagerly sharing our ideas ranging from classroom management to curriculum design, to our current celebrations and stressers. We have planned our summer work schedule, and are looking forward to our time working together.

In a future post I will list the books that I am reading.


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